Wednesday, August 2, 2017


Once upon a time, in the city of mystery, of enchantment, called Camosun Bog, two young lovers were peacefully living their lives, happily in love. A beautiful princess named arctic starflower, and a poor and careless thief named sundew.

Sundew had the magic lamp, the lamp which allowed you to have 3 wishes and grant them without any doubt. However, the ruthless King Vancouver, wanted to desperately marry princess star flower. And when the princess refused, Vancouver threatened to destroy the land with his dark power by turning it into a land of ice.

Princess star flower was very devastated that her land and the people in it are suffering because of her. Sundew, on the other hand, hated seeing her like that. So with his magic lamp, he wished to the crazy genie to melt the ice and grow plants that they can replenish the land.

The  genie melted the ice which turned into a lake and grew plants like sphagnum moss who loved a high water table, high acidity, low oxygen and low nutrients. The  genie also grew medicine plants like labrador tea for the people who were sickened by the extremely cold weather.  He grew food plants like bunchberry, cloudberry, and bog cranberry. Not only did the  genie plant these for the people but for the sake of the earth too. He knew that by growing these native plants, it would help to fight global warming by absorbing all carbon dioxide and locking it up for thousands of years. Both sundew and star flower were happy that the people of Camosun bog were recovering from the tragedy. 

However, when King Vancouver found out about everything they'd done, he was furious. He created drains that lowered the water table and this destroyed the sphagnum moss. Sothe drains killed a lot of the native plants that decayed into soil because of the drop in acidity. In addition to his anger, he built non-affordable buildings in Camosun Bog so no one could live in the land.

When these buildings were built, forest  plants invaded Camosun bog: Plants like the fern ,  polytrichum moss, skunk cabbage and the birch.  Vancouver wanted to own the land for himself and partly for his people. The land was outcompeted by Vancouver's people and invaders occupied his buildings. And there were also empty buildings when there were people living in the street. He made the buildings expensive so that the good people that help fight against the global warming would go away and not be able to live in a good environment.

Bog plants such as lodgepole, caskara, kalmia, laurel, and saskatoon berry could not survive.

 So with the low water table, King Vancouver was able to build "invasive buildings" as were called by the people of the land. These buildings caused many  of the native people to vanish because they weren't adaptable to the new environment and couldn't afford to live in their own land.

Many of the native people and plants dissipated. Even sundew and starflower couldn't bear with the circumstances they were in so they left. But with the encouragement and hope that others showed them, others returned to the land and that included lodgepole and laurel. The two lovers sundew and starflower came to their realization that giving up was not an option so they came back on their own. The native people decided to stick together and fight for their land. Despite all the struggles they had to face, these good native people stayed as strong as ever.

Many years later, the people today called the "crazy boggers", who have the  blood of the genie, planned to revive the land and actively planted sphagnum moss because they care about the sake of the global warming too and they want to reduce the carbon entering our atmosphere. Not just that, but they want to continue the work of their own ancestor, the genie.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017


this is how the game works: as we will be identifying species before playing this game, you will have an idea about the names of the species and a few facts about them. but for you to be more prepared for this game, players get 10 minutes to study/read the notes they need to know in order to answer the questions. we have a dice to roll and each player is to choose a number differently from the other from 1-4. and whoever chooses whatever number comes up, can either answer the question or give the opportunity to the other player to answer (if they answer incorrectly, they lose a point). first player that gets 3 points wins, UNLESS, the other player chooses #5 or #6. that player has the chance to eliminate the highest-scoring player if he/she answers the question correctly with an explanation. if they choose a number from 1-4, they more likely want to gain a point, but if they choose from numbers 5 & 6, they more likely want to eliminate a player . numbers 5 & 6 are only for elimination questions and requires explanation to prove the answer. players get hints too as their advantage. 1. a.) NAME TWO NATIVE SPECIES THAT YOU CAN SPOT IN CAMOSUN BOG b.) give two native species that grow fruits (names end with 'berry') 2. a.) Labrador tea plants are sometimes used as ______ for cough. b.) give one environment that native species are more likely to survive in 3. Name two invasive species you can spot in camosun bog 4. When sphagnum dies, it is called ________? 5. The camosun bog is likely to be compared to one specific object. What is this object and why is it being compared to this. 6. In 1929, something was installed that destroyed the sphagnum moss. Identify and explain why the sphagnum moss was destroyed by these. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ HINTS: HINT: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ANSWERS: 1. a.) arctic star flower, sphagnum moss, etc. b.) cloudberry and bunchberry 2. a.) medicines b.) high water table 3. skunk cabbage and fern 4. peat 5. it is being compared to a cake and this is because new sphagnum grows right on top of the dead sphagnum. 6. drains were installed and these destroyed the sphagnum moss by reducing the water levels.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Vancouver Sustainability Conference 2017

Vancouver Sustainability Conference 2017 volunteer at Eric Hamber Secondary School with students from other different schools who I worked with.

  • Getting all the atendees in line to sign in and make name tags for them.

  • Trying to get everyone to write something on these
  • "What issues in sustainability do you think needs more attention?"
       -  composting, ethical food source, water, energy production, oceanwise, climate change

  • "What does sustainability mean to you?"

- to think about the future, ensuring that future generations have the opportunity to survive and thrive on our planet

- led the atendees from the gym to the auditorium where the leaders of the activity talked about sustainability

- helped with handing out sandwiches to the atendees which I enjoyed a lot because I got to talk to some of them and I enjoyed the fact that people kept coming to my station so I was the first one who ran out of sandwiches to give.

  • UBC people talking about their projects

I enjoyed gaining a new experience, and to be out on a pro-d day which was really helpful for other people like volunteering for instance. I also kind of made some friends, students from other different schools. I got to eat free cookies and sandwiches which was amazing. To be led by wonderful and friendly leaders like Celina and Lovely was amazing too!

Monday, May 1, 2017

Camosun Bog species

Native Species - species that normally live and thrive in a particular ecosystem, prefer a high water table with low nutrient, and high acid conditions. These conditions existed at Camosun Bog for 2000 years.

                  sphagnum moss
                  arctic star flower
                  bunch berry
                  cloud berry
                  bog cranberry

                  labrador tea
                  bog blueberry

                   lodgepole pine (also shore pine)
                   saskatoon berry

Invasive Species - defined as organisms (plant, animal, fungus or bacterium) that are not native and has negative effects on a region's economy, environment, or public health)

                  polytrichum moss
                  fern (deer, sword, bracken)
                  skunk cabbage

                  some blueberry species

                   western hemlock
                   mountain ash


Friday, February 24, 2017

Beaty Biodiversity Museum


      • Andrew Trites, a marine mammal specialist dugged up the largest animal specie in the world 25 years ago in Prince Edward Island. It has 4 legs and 2 hands but the other hand is broken and both hands are missing middle fingers. The fin was missing when Andrew Trites dugged the whale up but the missing fin was found in the middle of the road and was given back to him. The bones were very oily so he and his colleagues soaked them into an oil sinking machine. But the oil of the bones didn't dry out and the smell of it is very stinky, the odor could stay for decades. They tried another method to get rid of the oil by the used of enzyme but the enzyme that was used damaged the bones and made them soft that it could be smashed with a hand. A paleontologist fixed the bones by painting them and turned them into what the bones look like now.

• Blue whales eat krills like the tiny little shrimps for breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner.

• They made keratin so they have grizzly hair in their mouth but not teeth.

• Fact: the whale bone was used as corset for girls to get tiny and pretty hundred years ago.


   • They target the young, weak, and old. In contrast, trophy hunters target the most impressive individuals, which removes many of the strongest animals from the gene pool. Over time, this human-induced selection can affect the development of a species.


    • It belongs to the subfamily Caprinae, of the family Bovidae, commonly known as caprids. Caprids diverged from other Bovidae about 14 million years ago.


     • The brightest colors and patterns can help camouflage birds with their surroundings, but most often, ornamentation has evolved to help birds to stand out to potential mates. In addition to stunning plumage, males attract females through choreographed dances, aerial displays of aerobatic talent or song.

• Not all birds can fly, but flight is birds' most astounding and enviable ability. Not all flight is the same, however, birds' wings are specialized to the type of flying that they do. Whether a bird must hunt for food, escape a predator, hover near a flower, or make a great migratory journey, the shape of a bird's wing is important to its performance.


    • CLASS: Bacillariophyceae
    • Phytoplankton, such s diatoms, are crucially dependent on mineral in the freshwater and marine environments where they are found. Many different types of photosynthetic marine organisms can be considered phytoplankton. Besides diatoms, these include cyanobacteria, dinoflagellates, and many types of algae.


    • SUBCLASS: Copepoda
    • Copepods, a type of zooplankton, are small crustaceans         primarily transported by ambient water currents. Zooplankton can also include larval forms of fishes, molluscs, jellyfishes, or other crustaceans.

Thursday, January 19, 2017


Welcome to my blog! This is my first time making one and I will be posting some topics with detailed pictures towards my biology 11 class.